Gear Review | Deejo Knives

Retail: $21

Company: Deejo
Friends Luc Foin and Stéphane Lebeau originally designed these ultra-lightweight knives for the hiking and backpacking enthusiasts who were searching for an alternative for clunky pocket knives.  What they found in 2010, however, was that not only did the outdoor enthusiasts love these knives but people from all backgrounds were buying these up and using them for everyday tasks.  Luc and Stephane eventually designed three separate collections and three sizes to match the perfect knife with each individual.

the review

Currently, Deejo offers three styles of knives and three different sizes.  Not all combinations are possible. We were excited to test the 37g Wood and the 15g Naked. Links to all three lines are below;


  • Comes in 3 collections and 3 different sizes (15, 27, 37 gram)
  • Ultra-light
  • Full customization features like handles, name engraving, and their signature "tattoos"
  • Made of high-performance stainless steel


Deejo Naked

As you can probably gather from the name, the Naked Series is very lightweight and minimalist.  It is basically two pieces of stainless steel connected by a joint in the center.  The blade sits nicely into the handle without any catching and contours the handle for a sleek design. The 15g option does not include a belt clip, however, the other two choices do. Additionally, the Naked series has no plastic or wood strip along the handle (hence "naked").

Deejo Wood

The Wood Series has the same characteristics of the Naked Series except it adds a beautiful wood handle to the stainless steel. The handle is really just a strip of wood along the front side of the knife but does add great color and a little thickness to an otherwise extremely thin knife. The wood options include Exotic Ash, Juniper, Rosewood, Olive Tree, and Grenadilla.

Deejo Color

This series was not tested but is similar to the Wood Series in that it includes a thin handle along the front side of the knife. The thin strip is a colored polycarbonate which is a very hard plastic and comes in a variety of colors. Click here to find your favorite color.


The My Deejo website really gives this company a great competitive advantage. If you click on the link it takes you to their site where you can fully customize your knife to make it exactly the way you want it. The screen will show you in real time what your knife will look like and is one of my favorite parts of the buying process.
There are several customization options on the My Deejo site which makes each knife one-of-a-kind.  First, change the weight and series to the one you want so you know what other customization options are available. Then select a mirror, grey titanium, or black titanium finish to the blade and handle (the blade edge remains without a coat of finish).  After that, select a wood or color finish if you chose one of those series. Finally, select one of the several "tattoo" designs to the blade and handle. This feature is really cool and is just another way that Deejo sticks out from their competitors.  Additionally, you also have the option to enter text on the inside of the handle which I thought gave it a nice personal touch.
Casi and I selected two knives to test and here is how we customized them:
The 15g Naked: We added a black titanium finish with the feather tattoo. We also included Arizona Hikers Guide for the custom text.
The 37g Wood: We also added the black titanium finish (looks so sleek) with no tattoo. We did add the Arizona Hikers Guide as a custom text.


Out of the package (which is also a super sleek and well designed black box) the knife is beautiful.  They are very aesthetically appealing and are extremely lightweight.   However, I was slightly disappointed in the factory edge on the knives.  They were pretty dull.  I shaved my arm hairs as my first test and less than half of my hair was cut and there was quite a bit of pulling.  I then did a paper test and with just a little help the knife did fairly well cutting the thin pieces of paper without tearing.
I have used the knife for over two months now and the edge has held fairly well. Sharpening the knife was easy with a wet stone and have no qualms.  The knife is made from 2CR13 stainless steel which is a very medium grade steel.
The joint has held up nicely. I thought this would be the weak point in the knife design but it has not loosened and still works as intended. I have read other reviews where the lock pin has become loose which could become a problem. I have not had this problem and my two knives have held up nicely after two months of daily use.
One more bump in the road I ran into and worth mentioning is the Juniper wood handle on my 37g. The wood is so thin and delicate that I was afraid it would break or chip and I was right. Near the end of the handle there is a tiny screw that holds the wood to the steel and the wood has since split and chipped on the hole. It's not a big deal and does not affect the performance of the knife I just thought it was worth mentioning.


These knives are really cool and reasonably functional. I really like carrying the 15g with me on backpacking trips because of how light and compact it is. The knife is perfect to carry in a pocket while hiking because of how thin it is. As for cutting limbs and carving wooden spoons it doesn't work as well (what do you expect, it's 15 grams!).
We had a harder time finding the right place for the 37g Deejo Wood in the backcountry. We felt it was just a little too big to carry on hiking trips (personal preference) but did find that it makes a great gentleman's knife. I now carry around this sleek, fashionable knife with me everywhere I go. It sits nicely in a pocket and the belt clip fits very tightly so the knife doesn't slip out.
I recommend these knives to the average hiker as well as for the modern man or woman. These knives are not overly sharp or durable but can make a great addition to your everyday carry. Give them a try today, pick one up here!

**Disclaimer: Although this product was given to me for the purposes of this review, it in no way shaped my opinion of the product. I do my best to give accurate and helpful information.


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